Sales Quizz Welcome to your Sales Quizz Your name: Phone number: Business: Your email: Select the correct response: How many employees do you have? 1-10 11-20 21-50 What is your previous background? Techy Operations BDM How do you feel about your business perfomance? Very good Good Average Bad Very bad Select the correct response: What do you think about your current sales strategy? Working really well, winning many new clients It can be improved to win more clients It's been a while since we acquired a new client What's your biggest challenge when it comes to sales? Generate leads Qualify Opportunities Close more deals When you meet your prospects, you feel that: Your pitch is polished and structured You are not confident in presenting your solutions and scared of pauses You wish you would have someone along to help you qualify opportunities When you meet with your prospects, how well do you convey your value proposition? Great Not sure Not great How many meetings with a prospect do you need to attend to convert them into a client? 1 Meeting 3 Meetings 3+ Meeting How do you want to improve it? I am already awesome! Get yourself trained on how to reduce the sales cycle Hire a sales person to do it for your Hire a sales manager to manage your sales Where do you see your business in the next 12 months? Growing rapidly using new strategies and resources Growing organically without setting up sales targets I might be out of business Select the correct response: Do you have any sales people working on your business? Yes No Do you feel it will be beneficial for you and/or your sales team to get training? Yes No Time's up Outsourced Sales Solutions2024-02-26T22:28:47+00:00