When you say Selling smart, people will often assume that you will help them to work less and get great result sales result. But there is more to that, Smart selling is getting from point A to point B without wasting time and effort to the customers time. A lot of ways sales people destroy their own efficiency, on this article, we will target the top 3 time wasters for a sales person.
1. Dealing with Customer who don’t have a solid plan about buying – Often times, we make our sales pitch to everybody who’ll likely listen without thinking if this is the right person to talk to. But the advantage of this is they might refer you to the highest of the company which is the President or the CEO. He or she may not involved directly but you can open a door that build relationship at the highest level.
2. Taking Action without Plan- The best way to use your time and effort efficiently is to create list, create a list of contact who already generated an income for you and a list of your new prospects. Everyday read this list and ask yourself “What do I need to do to get business from this person. Keep focus and spend your time and energy on getting the best return of investment. Always keep this list handy.
3. Technology VS Relationship – Nowadays, technology has helped us dramatically to connect with people, it’s a great tool to for businesses. But while it can help your business, it can’t help close the deal. Sales are made up of relationship and it will be difficult if you only establish relationship on a computer screen or phone. You need to touch your customers problem and offer them a solution.
Of all the points above, the biggest and proven time waster is that selling fast without selling smart. Don’t be so eager to win the customer without taking time to get to know your customer.