Have you been concerned with recent client engagement surveys or the drop in your NPS scores?
Are your clients believing that there’s a lack of value they are receiving from their interaction with
your sales team?
The sales teams are supposed to be the “bastions” of client engagement – correct. So why are they
now viewed as the problem. Simple – the high “churn rates” experienced in sales teams means they
no longer have the same relationship with your client. Your client has had enough – they don’t want
to have to “induct” the 4 th account manager in the last 18 months from your business. Any wonder
you’re receiving low NPS scores.
When you look back over the last 12 months how many new sales people have you employed? More
importantly how many are still employed in the business? How many made it through their
probation? What did you learn from their exit interviews? The greater the sales employee
churn/turnover the greater the negative impact on client relationships and satisfaction.
Based on current trends approx. 50% of all new sales hires fail to make it through probation. The
impact on client relationships is significant. Each time a sales person leaves, your client relationship
is impacted – not only do you as the employer have to train a new sales person your client also has
to train them on how their business operates and how the business relationship between the two
organisations works.
The key elements reducing the new sales hire churn and improving your sales team’s engagement
with their clients are:
1. Hiring the right people – hire people with a can-do attitude.
2. Creating a Structure & Culture That Allows for Great Work to Be Done – everybody knows
their position and what they are responsible for.
3. Equipping the team with the Knowledge and Skills to Work Effectively – from Onboarding
to ongoing professional development.
There’s a “war for quality sales people” in the market at present with it taking between 60-180 days
to fill a vacant sales role. With all the trouble and cost associated with hiring qualified sales talent, you want their integration into your sales team to be seamless which is why having a tailored Sales
Onboarding program is needed.
The guiding principles to a successful Sales Onboarding program are:
Create a great 1 st day – one chance to make a 1 st impression. The person might not
remember everything that is said but they will remember how they felt
Detailed Plan For 1 st 6 months – plan needs to be clear on what levels of competency is
required at each milestone whilst distinguishing between the Knowing vs Doing
Mentorship Beyond Direct Manager – new sales employees need a sounding board to lean
on other than their boss
Simplicity – lay out the plan in a simple format so new sales employees can easily identify
their activities
The results you achieve from your Sales Onboarding program will be evident in both the short and medium term through:
Stronger Employee Engagement
Reduced New Sales Hire Churn
Retention of Top Sales Talent
Improved Client Engagement
Failure to listen to what your clients and employees are telling you will continue to drive them both
out the door. Let’s get back to having a sales team that’s a key driver for your success not the
Article by Paul Leonard – Director Client Success of AmCham member company OSS Group Australia.
(www.ossaustralia.com )
Revenue Growth Sales Productivity Outsourced Sales Resourcing
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