Looking for a job is a full time job in itself, isn’t it? After many rounds of interviews you finally get a job offer and you accept it having great expectations from a new company you decided to join.
9 out of 10 they get you started on a Monday (the worst day of the week as most of the managers are tied up with their meetings) you walk into reception and announce you are a new employee starting today. Funnily enough nobody is excited to see you and nobody knows what to do with you…Sound familiar?
Someone walks you to your desk when you are going to spend a few hours staring at the computer screen or browsing the internet pretending to be busy. How many new hires question their decision to join a new company on the very first day? That’s right – most of them!
You are probably looking forward to the lunch break to get out of the office to make a few private calls to your mates to share with them how awkward you feel today.
At some stage you need to sit down with an HR person to fill out your superannuation details and tax/bank’s details.
If you are lucky you get to talk to your manager on the same day, who is trying to express excitement to have you on board, but if you are experienced you see the stress on his face as he is thinking how to get you perform ASAP without spending too much time with you…
9 out of 10 of companies would have a productive Onboarding process in place when they know what needs to be done to get a new hire up to speed ASAP, measure results periodically and make sure the new hire gets productive and stays with the company for a long time.
I met with a recruiter from a big branded company and he confirmed all the challenges with a first impression of people he has placed to different roles and the worst part is every third person leaves the company within the first couple of months disliking the culture of the company or the role. Then what? It’s stressful for a recruiter to replace a person, but how much more stress will it cause to the company to get a new hire again to start the whole process from scratch? What is the guarantee that the second person will stay and become productive?
I hear you are asking is there any solution for this challenge?
Well, there is a solution to keep everyone happy called Outsourced Onboarding whereby you hire a third party company dedicated to your new hires to make sure they get looked after starting from the day a new hire accepts their offer. With no further stress for any middle managers, a third party professional will train your new hire both in-house and in the field making sure he will be happy and become self-sufficient in the shortest possible time.
Who will win from this service? That’s right – everyone! (a company, a recruiter, a new hire)
Sometimes you don’t know that the answer to your challenge is just one phone call away.
Happy Onboarding!