I am most interested to get comments on the topic of ‘First Impressions’ when you meet a person either for businesses or social, but this topic is related to business and leave social to other platforms to deal with. Linkedin is neither Twitter nor Facebook. It is what it is and most of us business professionals respect the privilege to be a part of it.
When I speak to someone for the very first time, maybe a job applicant, maybe a prospective client, I seem to have this knack of forming a first impression or an intuitive ‘gut feeling’ about the person within 1 or 2 minutes which shapes my actions and approach on the run without delay. The funny thing is, for me, my ‘gut feeling’ is rarely wrong, does this happen for you? Anyway, I can follow the bouncing ball process over a period of time, perhaps with input from others that may have a different point of view, and more often than not, whatever the decision, it can usually be linked directly back to that very first impression or ‘gut feeling’. I guess for me it is an activity shaping exercise which helps me with time management from a decision making perspective, and for most of us, time is money.
On the same topic of first perceptions, let me share a true story which opened my eyes as to the power of first impressions.
I have a good Swedish made chainsaw; I need that saw for cutting firewood on my property to feed the Coonara. It was hard to start. So I put it in my car and after commitments dropped in to a repairer – all suited up, power tie, the works. Me: “It’s hard to start can you fix it?” Answer: “Yeah no worries boss – pop in tommorrow” (note the word’boss’)
Next day I dropped in – still suited up. “Just come to pick up my chainsaw” Answer: “She’s stuffed mate, you must have been using the wrong fuel mix.” Me: “50:1 as per the book, and it’s got a 5 year warranty – had it for 3 years”. Nah, can’t look at warranty work for at least 6 weeks – it’s worn out. I can suggest a good new saw for you” Me: “Thanks, I’ll get a second opinion”
Well yesterday being a Saturday, I donned my hi-vis hard yakka jacket, jeans, and a pair of worn out Jackeroo boots, and set off to another shop. Me: “G’day mate, me chainsaws hard to start can you help me out?” Yeah mate, Ive got half an hour I’ll have a quick look if you can hang around – coffee’s over there – help yourself, milks in the fridge.
Half an hour later, and $80 lighter, my chainsaw is as good as new – carby clean, plug, tune and all that stuff that I don’t understand. Me: “Cheers mate, here’s a hundred – buy your wife a bunch of flowers on the way home” Now this guy has a customer for life in me – priceless as I always need something fixed.
So the moral to the story – never judge a book by its cover, and never wear a suit when you are going to get a tool serviced. And as you are judging others – they too are judging you, forming that all important ‘First Impression’.
Furthermore, have faith in your ‘gut feeling’, and as can be seen from my real life example above, others around you may rely on first impressions just because you are wearing a suit and that’s even before you utter a single word……….
It’s all a bit complicated really..
Happy Days to you All!