This is the complete opposite of my previous ‘on boarding’ articles and I am hoping to get some help from my Linked In friends by way of your own experiences.
Throughout my sales career and in particular sales management and general management, this has always been a tough topic – no matter what position of authority you may hold, we are all human beings and for me personally it has caused me to have sleepless nights at times.
This is a real dilemma sometimes – you have a new sales person that started 3 months ago, you were impressed by their credentials and performance at interview, they came highly recommended and set and agreed targets and KPI’s. You delegated the induction and product training process to others and assumed all would be well.
Guess what – maybe you need to rethink your on boarding processes, as from experience that is commonly the weakest link attributable to non performance of sales people. I realised that myself in the absence of a defined process which in turn represents perhaps a lack of understanding of ‘duty of care’ to a new hire and what his or her challenges may be within your business and on a personal level as well.
Well, let’s assume you have done everything right in every respect with the non performing sales person. Depending on the way your employment agreement reads, you will most likely have a 3 month trial specified etc. I am not a legal person, but from experience there is a process to be followed even during the trial period – written warnings and all that stuff that cause us all brain damage otherwise you can be accused of ‘unfair dismissal’ or even worse ‘unlawful dismissal’. And all of that is doing what for your sales person’s energy, enthusiasm and sense of being a part of a team? You know the answer to that.
As business Managers, we all make mistakes. We wouldn’t be human otherwise.
So if you are in a situation whereby you have no other choice other than to let a team member go, be absolutely sure that he or she has received all of the deserved support and training. Be sure that you have identified deficiencies in the person’s sales skill set and offered coaching as required, and above all, ensure that you’re on boarding process is watertight and well documented.
I have been to court twice for ‘unfair dismissal’ as an employer and once for ‘unlawful dismissal’, again as an employer. It is a massive distraction from getting on with business, and I am wiser for the experience. I won all 3 cases.
How much has it cost you $20,000 or more?
So review your ‘on boarding’ process before you have to go down the ‘off boarding’ process – you’ll be glad you did in the long run.
Happy Revenue Growth!
Rick Kemp