Depending on your role, and for whom you work, or indeed if you are the CEO or business owner,

there is no doubt at all that without sales, you have no revenue, and no future. That’s reality!

It seems to me that we are all swept up in the techno – euphoria of the attitude that technology

drives sales for any business. If your business is tech related, there is a good chance that you are in

part relying on tech type marketing with fancy videos and webinars and you are all over social media

spending a fortune on impressions and clicks and so on. As for me I just don’t get it. I do hope you

have BDM’s (sales reps) and all the right processes in place to close deals and deliver on your

promises. Of course you do right?


So let’s assume that your business is more traditional and may have 5 or 6 admin people sitting

behind computers doing stuff. I guarantee you that they will be using Microsoft word, excel, and all

the other basic apps that are a part of Microsoft office. We all do it. So what stuff are they doing and

is their activity generating revenue for your business? Bloody good question that! I know the

answer, as you do. And you have 3 sales people on the road and you may have an overworked sales

manager that cops a beating most Monday mornings.

This brief article is simply to reinforce the importance of professional sales people to your business.

Furthermore, perhaps review sales management effectiveness and rep activities to ensure that all of

the necessary support is provided.


If anyone can give me a link to an ap that can close deals with one click best you make contact with

  1. I will never have to work again!

It’s so simple – well trained, well managed sales people are your lifeblood to maintaining and

growing your business revenue. They are the engines that drive your business forward through the

roughest of conditions.
