I think about this from time to time and just wondering what other LI members think about this topic.

It seems to me that the general perception of a sales person is unfairly judged and somewhat stereotyped.

A certain Head of State of a major country is a good reference point (without prejudice) for the purpose of this post, and whilst it seems to me that the old school sales approach has some merit, the old bullying tactics and threats of ‘close this deal’ or you’re out is just not the way any of us grow our businesses in 2017.

I honestly believe that good sales people can become great sales people when their weaknesses are identified and addressed – not with threats but with constructive coaching.

I note with interest that a few industry exceptions are slow to change and simply know no other way to sell beyond ‘features & benefits’. And in all fairness, those industries have little else to offer in sales except for haggling often disguised as ‘negotiating ‘on the price. I can’t see that changing in the short term.

Sales is the greatest profession in the world, and for those of us that are happy to share knowledge in that space then that is surely a good thing.

Nothing – Social Media, mainstream TV / Radio, telemarketing, posters on trams trains and buses, you name it – they are lead generators and profile building activities, NOTHING will ever replace the well trained, well coached Sales Professional.

To conclude, let’s draw some interesting comparisons between the unnamed person above in paragraph 3 and my observations of a more local person in a similar position from my perception of sales skills. (Without prejudice) Maybe you have already said to yourself, or at least thought it, but in my view this is like comparing an angry lion with a house trained pussy cat, who has all the best intentions and is the exact opposite.

I wonder if anyone has heard about CRM? Good tool that!

Comments appreciated, and previous posts are there on LI for you review at any time.

Rick Kemp
