If you are a business owner of a well-established business or a sales leader managing your sales team you may be questioning yourself “How come we have great products, competitive pricing, experienced sales team, but sales results are not shining”. Well, you are not alone and maybe it’s time to look at your sales team’s performance from a different perspective and think outside of the box.
You can “grill” your sales manager for failing to deliver the desired results, but in his defense he will “grill” his sales team blaming it on the level of sales activity etc. It’s an old story, isn’t? You can continue playing “blame” games indefinitely while your competitors may implement something new and take market share from you.
Alternatively, you can keep replacing your sales personnel and paying top $ to the recruitment companies and spending lots of time bringing new sales people up to speed. This is an old school of thought too. The world is changing rapidly, and so is the sales industry. The days of relying on print media advertising and other ‘conventional mediums is rapidly dying.
What can be done to become a benchmark in your industry? Try to outsource some sales activities and once you get your desired results you can consider outsourcing the whole sales and marketing departments!
Below are 4 key reasons to outsource your sales team:
Try from something small. Outsource your social media service. It’s hard to get “an old dog to learn new tricks”, if you expect your admin staff to pick up new habits you may be wasting your time. Why don’t you hire a new generation Social media person who will be living on your LinkedIn, FaceBook and other social media platforms? Your brand will be promoted daily, your company will be well connected with their audience and that will generate warm leads
When was the last time your sales manager went out with their team members to meet prospects? Is your sales manager totally disconnected from market reality? Hire an outsourced Field Sales Manager to go out with your sales team to assist them to bring more revenue and to connect to the market to hear what they really think about your company, your products and your customer’s support?
Consider adding an Outsourced BDM to the existing team to see if they perform better than full time sales people. Contractors are always trying harder as they may have more to lose and tend to stay focused and on top of their game. Once you see a difference in the results your next step may be outsourcing the whole sales team
Last, but not least is your sales manager. If he is sitting in a comfortable chair for too long and brings no new innovations to your company while your competitors are flourishing, get an Outsourced Sales Manager who is hungry for new business and constantly learning new techniques to be successful
A good locally based Sales Outsourcing company is capable of getting much better sales results and keep your company’s brand ahead of your competitors.
The choice is yours. Happy selling ☺